Ensure that register state is saved before it's used.

Without this there is a race where a physical CPU is still saving the
contents of registers into a vCPU buffer while another physical CPU
is already trying to restore the state.

Also adding test case that fails without this fix and succeeds with it.

Change-Id: I0badfd61f12385a3d8dc8d09eb298cfe56f2a415
15 files changed
tree: 08e33898ebc2a7936b6558bce19773ea33983d22
  1. build/
  2. docs/
  3. driver/
  4. inc/
  5. kokoro/
  6. project/
  7. src/
  8. test/
  9. third_party/
  10. .clang-format
  11. .clang-tidy
  12. .gitignore
  13. .gitmodules
  14. .gn
  15. BUILD.gn
  18. Makefile
  19. README.md


Hafnium is a hypervisor, initially supporting aarch64 (64-bit ARMv8 CPUs).

Get in touch and keep up-to-date at hafnium-discuss@googlegroups.com.

Getting started

To jump in and build Hafnium, follow the getting started instructions.