blob: 55347cf15ced44670877a4edcc32baf71a215f30 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Hafnium Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "hf/spci.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "hf/types.h"
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__KERNEL__)
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
/* Linux doesn't have a checked memcpy, so just use the unchecked version. */
void memcpy_s(void *dest, size_t destsz, const void *src, size_t count)
memcpy(dest, src, count);
* Use macro from Linux because we can't include Hafnium internal headers here.
#ifndef align_up
#define align_up(v, a) ALIGN((v), (a))
#include "hf/std.h"
* Initialises the given `spci_memory_region` and copies the constituent
* information to it. Returns the length in bytes occupied by the data copied to
* `memory_region` (attributes, constituents and memory region header size).
uint32_t spci_memory_region_init(
struct spci_memory_region *memory_region, spci_vm_id_t sender,
spci_vm_id_t receiver,
const struct spci_memory_region_constituent constituents[],
uint32_t constituent_count, uint32_t tag,
spci_memory_region_flags_t flags, enum spci_memory_access access,
enum spci_memory_type type, enum spci_memory_cacheability cacheability,
enum spci_memory_shareability shareability)
uint32_t constituents_length =
constituent_count *
sizeof(struct spci_memory_region_constituent);
uint32_t index;
struct spci_memory_region_constituent *region_constituents;
uint16_t attributes = 0;
/* Set memory region's page attributes. */
spci_set_memory_access_attr(&attributes, access);
spci_set_memory_type_attr(&attributes, type);
spci_set_memory_cacheability_attr(&attributes, cacheability);
spci_set_memory_shareability_attr(&attributes, shareability);
memory_region->tag = tag;
memory_region->flags = flags;
memory_region->sender = sender;
memory_region->reserved_0 = 0;
memory_region->reserved_1 = 0;
memory_region->page_count = 0;
memory_region->constituent_count = constituent_count;
memory_region->attribute_count = 1;
memory_region->attributes[0].receiver = receiver;
memory_region->attributes[0].memory_attributes = attributes;
memory_region->attributes[0].reserved_0 = 0;
memory_region->attributes[0].reserved_1 = 0;
* Constituent offset must be aligned to a 32-bit boundary so that
* 32-bit values can be copied without alignment faults.
memory_region->constituent_offset = align_up(
sizeof(struct spci_memory_region) +
memory_region->attribute_count *
sizeof(struct spci_memory_region_attributes),
region_constituents =
for (index = 0; index < constituent_count; index++) {
region_constituents[index] = constituents[index];
memory_region->page_count += constituents[index].page_count;
* TODO: Add assert ensuring that the specified message
* length is not greater than SPCI_MSG_PAYLOAD_MAX.
return memory_region->constituent_offset + constituents_length;
uint32_t spci_memory_retrieve_request_init(
struct spci_memory_retrieve_request *request,
spci_memory_handle_t handle, spci_vm_id_t sender, spci_vm_id_t receiver,
uint32_t share_func, uint32_t tag, uint32_t page_count,
enum spci_memory_access access, enum spci_memory_type type,
enum spci_memory_cacheability cacheability,
enum spci_memory_shareability shareability)
struct spci_memory_retrieve_properties *retrieve_properties =
uint16_t attributes = 0;
/* Set memory region's page attributes. */
spci_set_memory_access_attr(&attributes, access);
spci_set_memory_type_attr(&attributes, type);
spci_set_memory_cacheability_attr(&attributes, cacheability);
spci_set_memory_shareability_attr(&attributes, shareability);
request->reserved_0 = 0;
request->reserved_1 = 0;
request->handle = handle;
request->sender = sender;
request->share_func = share_func;
request->tag = tag;
request->attribute_count = 0;
request->attribute_offset = 0;
request->retrieve_properties_count = 1;
retrieve_properties->attributes.receiver = receiver;
retrieve_properties->attributes.memory_attributes = attributes;
retrieve_properties->page_count = page_count;
retrieve_properties->constituent_count = 0;
retrieve_properties->reserved = 0;
return sizeof(struct spci_memory_retrieve_request) +
sizeof(struct spci_memory_retrieve_properties);
uint32_t spci_retrieved_memory_region_init(
struct spci_retrieved_memory_region *response, size_t response_max_size,
spci_vm_id_t receiver,
const struct spci_memory_region_constituent constituents[],
uint32_t constituent_count, uint32_t page_count)
struct spci_receiver_address_range *response_range =
response->receiver_count = 1;
response_range->receiver = receiver;
response_range->page_count = page_count;
response_range->constituent_count = constituent_count;
response_max_size -
sizeof(struct spci_retrieved_memory_region) -
sizeof(struct spci_receiver_address_range),
constituent_count *
sizeof(struct spci_memory_region_constituent));
return sizeof(struct spci_retrieved_memory_region) +
sizeof(struct spci_receiver_address_range) +
constituent_count *
sizeof(struct spci_memory_region_constituent);