blob: d30ad19b20f85343cd3a008321f062da6834cbf8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BugReporter.h - Generate PathDiagnostics -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines BugReporter, a utility class for generating
// PathDiagnostics for analyses based on ProgramState.
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporterVisitors.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/PathDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CheckerManager.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SVals.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SymExpr.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExplodedGraph.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/None.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
class AnalyzerOptions;
class ASTContext;
class Decl;
class DiagnosticsEngine;
class LocationContext;
class SourceManager;
class Stmt;
namespace ento {
class BugType;
class CheckerBase;
class ExplodedGraph;
class ExplodedNode;
class ExprEngine;
class MemRegion;
class SValBuilder;
// Interface for individual bug reports.
/// A mapping from diagnostic consumers to the diagnostics they should
/// consume.
using DiagnosticForConsumerMapTy =
llvm::DenseMap<PathDiagnosticConsumer *, std::unique_ptr<PathDiagnostic>>;
/// This class provides an interface through which checkers can create
/// individual bug reports.
class BugReport : public llvm::ilist_node<BugReport> {
class NodeResolver {
virtual void anchor();
virtual ~NodeResolver() = default;
virtual const ExplodedNode*
getOriginalNode(const ExplodedNode *N) = 0;
using ranges_iterator = const SourceRange *;
using VisitorList = SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<BugReporterVisitor>, 8>;
using visitor_iterator = VisitorList::iterator;
using ExtraTextList = SmallVector<StringRef, 2>;
using NoteList = SmallVector<std::shared_ptr<PathDiagnosticNotePiece>, 4>;
friend class BugReportEquivClass;
friend class BugReporter;
const BugType& BT;
const Decl *DeclWithIssue = nullptr;
std::string ShortDescription;
std::string Description;
PathDiagnosticLocation Location;
PathDiagnosticLocation UniqueingLocation;
const Decl *UniqueingDecl;
const ExplodedNode *ErrorNode = nullptr;
SmallVector<SourceRange, 4> Ranges;
ExtraTextList ExtraText;
NoteList Notes;
using Symbols = llvm::DenseSet<SymbolRef>;
using Regions = llvm::DenseSet<const MemRegion *>;
/// A (stack of) a set of symbols that are registered with this
/// report as being "interesting", and thus used to help decide which
/// diagnostics to include when constructing the final path diagnostic.
/// The stack is largely used by BugReporter when generating PathDiagnostics
/// for multiple PathDiagnosticConsumers.
SmallVector<Symbols *, 2> interestingSymbols;
/// A (stack of) set of regions that are registered with this report as being
/// "interesting", and thus used to help decide which diagnostics
/// to include when constructing the final path diagnostic.
/// The stack is largely used by BugReporter when generating PathDiagnostics
/// for multiple PathDiagnosticConsumers.
SmallVector<Regions *, 2> interestingRegions;
/// A set of location contexts that correspoind to call sites which should be
/// considered "interesting".
llvm::SmallSet<const LocationContext *, 2> InterestingLocationContexts;
/// A set of custom visitors which generate "event" diagnostics at
/// interesting points in the path.
VisitorList Callbacks;
/// Used for ensuring the visitors are only added once.
llvm::FoldingSet<BugReporterVisitor> CallbacksSet;
/// When set, this flag disables all callstack pruning from a diagnostic
/// path. This is useful for some reports that want maximum fidelty
/// when reporting an issue.
bool DoNotPrunePath = false;
/// Used to track unique reasons why a bug report might be invalid.
/// \sa markInvalid
/// \sa removeInvalidation
using InvalidationRecord = std::pair<const void *, const void *>;
/// If non-empty, this bug report is likely a false positive and should not be
/// shown to the user.
/// \sa markInvalid
/// \sa removeInvalidation
llvm::SmallSet<InvalidationRecord, 4> Invalidations;
/// Conditions we're already tracking.
llvm::SmallSet<const ExplodedNode *, 4> TrackedConditions;
// Used internally by BugReporter.
Symbols &getInterestingSymbols();
Regions &getInterestingRegions();
void lazyInitializeInterestingSets();
void pushInterestingSymbolsAndRegions();
void popInterestingSymbolsAndRegions();
BugReport(const BugType& bt, StringRef desc, const ExplodedNode *errornode)
: BT(bt), Description(desc), ErrorNode(errornode) {}
BugReport(const BugType& bt, StringRef shortDesc, StringRef desc,
const ExplodedNode *errornode)
: BT(bt), ShortDescription(shortDesc), Description(desc),
ErrorNode(errornode) {}
BugReport(const BugType &bt, StringRef desc, PathDiagnosticLocation l)
: BT(bt), Description(desc), Location(l) {}
/// Create a BugReport with a custom uniqueing location.
/// The reports that have the same report location, description, bug type, and
/// ranges are uniqued - only one of the equivalent reports will be presented
/// to the user. This method allows to rest the location which should be used
/// for uniquing reports. For example, memory leaks checker, could set this to
/// the allocation site, rather then the location where the bug is reported.
BugReport(BugType& bt, StringRef desc, const ExplodedNode *errornode,
PathDiagnosticLocation LocationToUnique, const Decl *DeclToUnique)
: BT(bt), Description(desc), UniqueingLocation(LocationToUnique),
UniqueingDecl(DeclToUnique), ErrorNode(errornode) {}
virtual ~BugReport();
const BugType& getBugType() const { return BT; }
//BugType& getBugType() { return BT; }
/// True when the report has an execution path associated with it.
/// A report is said to be path-sensitive if it was thrown against a
/// particular exploded node in the path-sensitive analysis graph.
/// Path-sensitive reports have their intermediate path diagnostics
/// auto-generated, perhaps with the help of checker-defined visitors,
/// and may contain extra notes.
/// Path-insensitive reports consist only of a single warning message
/// in a specific location, and perhaps extra notes.
/// Path-sensitive checkers are allowed to throw path-insensitive reports.
bool isPathSensitive() const { return ErrorNode != nullptr; }
const ExplodedNode *getErrorNode() const { return ErrorNode; }
StringRef getDescription() const { return Description; }
StringRef getShortDescription(bool UseFallback = true) const {
if (ShortDescription.empty() && UseFallback)
return Description;
return ShortDescription;
/// Indicates whether or not any path pruning should take place
/// when generating a PathDiagnostic from this BugReport.
bool shouldPrunePath() const { return !DoNotPrunePath; }
/// Disable all path pruning when generating a PathDiagnostic.
void disablePathPruning() { DoNotPrunePath = true; }
void markInteresting(SymbolRef sym);
void markInteresting(const MemRegion *R);
void markInteresting(SVal V);
void markInteresting(const LocationContext *LC);
bool isInteresting(SymbolRef sym);
bool isInteresting(const MemRegion *R);
bool isInteresting(SVal V);
bool isInteresting(const LocationContext *LC);
/// Returns whether or not this report should be considered valid.
/// Invalid reports are those that have been classified as likely false
/// positives after the fact.
bool isValid() const {
return Invalidations.empty();
/// Marks the current report as invalid, meaning that it is probably a false
/// positive and should not be reported to the user.
/// The \p Tag and \p Data arguments are intended to be opaque identifiers for
/// this particular invalidation, where \p Tag represents the visitor
/// responsible for invalidation, and \p Data represents the reason this
/// visitor decided to invalidate the bug report.
/// \sa removeInvalidation
void markInvalid(const void *Tag, const void *Data) {
Invalidations.insert(std::make_pair(Tag, Data));
/// Return the canonical declaration, be it a method or class, where
/// this issue semantically occurred.
const Decl *getDeclWithIssue() const;
/// Specifically set the Decl where an issue occurred. This isn't necessary
/// for BugReports that cover a path as it will be automatically inferred.
void setDeclWithIssue(const Decl *declWithIssue) {
DeclWithIssue = declWithIssue;
/// Add new item to the list of additional notes that need to be attached to
/// this path-insensitive report. If you want to add extra notes to a
/// path-sensitive report, you need to use a BugReporterVisitor because it
/// allows you to specify where exactly in the auto-generated path diagnostic
/// the extra note should appear.
void addNote(StringRef Msg, const PathDiagnosticLocation &Pos,
ArrayRef<SourceRange> Ranges) {
auto P = std::make_shared<PathDiagnosticNotePiece>(Pos, Msg);
for (const auto &R : Ranges)
// FIXME: Instead of making an override, we could have default-initialized
// Ranges with {}, however it crashes the MSVC 2013 compiler.
void addNote(StringRef Msg, const PathDiagnosticLocation &Pos) {
std::vector<SourceRange> Ranges;
addNote(Msg, Pos, Ranges);
virtual const NoteList &getNotes() {
return Notes;
/// This allows for addition of meta data to the diagnostic.
/// Currently, only the HTMLDiagnosticClient knows how to display it.
void addExtraText(StringRef S) {
virtual const ExtraTextList &getExtraText() {
return ExtraText;
/// Return the "definitive" location of the reported bug.
/// While a bug can span an entire path, usually there is a specific
/// location that can be used to identify where the key issue occurred.
/// This location is used by clients rendering diagnostics.
virtual PathDiagnosticLocation getLocation(const SourceManager &SM) const;
/// Get the location on which the report should be uniqued.
PathDiagnosticLocation getUniqueingLocation() const {
return UniqueingLocation;
/// Get the declaration containing the uniqueing location.
const Decl *getUniqueingDecl() const {
return UniqueingDecl;
const Stmt *getStmt() const;
/// Add a range to a bug report.
/// Ranges are used to highlight regions of interest in the source code.
/// They should be at the same source code line as the BugReport location.
/// By default, the source range of the statement corresponding to the error
/// node will be used; add a single invalid range to specify absence of
/// ranges.
void addRange(SourceRange R) {
assert((R.isValid() || Ranges.empty()) && "Invalid range can only be used "
"to specify that the report does not have a range.");
/// Get the SourceRanges associated with the report.
virtual llvm::iterator_range<ranges_iterator> getRanges();
/// Add custom or predefined bug report visitors to this report.
/// The visitors should be used when the default trace is not sufficient.
/// For example, they allow constructing a more elaborate trace.
/// \sa registerConditionVisitor(), registerTrackNullOrUndefValue(),
/// registerFindLastStore(), registerNilReceiverVisitor(), and
/// registerVarDeclsLastStore().
void addVisitor(std::unique_ptr<BugReporterVisitor> visitor);
/// Remove all visitors attached to this bug report.
void clearVisitors();
/// Iterators through the custom diagnostic visitors.
visitor_iterator visitor_begin() { return Callbacks.begin(); }
visitor_iterator visitor_end() { return Callbacks.end(); }
/// Notes that the condition of the CFGBlock associated with \p Cond is
/// being tracked.
/// \returns false if the condition is already being tracked.
bool addTrackedCondition(const ExplodedNode *Cond) {
return TrackedConditions.insert(Cond).second;
/// Profile to identify equivalent bug reports for error report coalescing.
/// Reports are uniqued to ensure that we do not emit multiple diagnostics
/// for each bug.
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& hash) const;
// BugTypes (collections of related reports).
class BugReportEquivClass : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
friend class BugReporter;
/// List of *owned* BugReport objects.
llvm::ilist<BugReport> Reports;
void AddReport(std::unique_ptr<BugReport> R) {
BugReportEquivClass(std::unique_ptr<BugReport> R) { AddReport(std::move(R)); }
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
using iterator = llvm::ilist<BugReport>::iterator;
using const_iterator = llvm::ilist<BugReport>::const_iterator;
iterator begin() { return Reports.begin(); }
iterator end() { return Reports.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return Reports.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return Reports.end(); }
// BugReporter and friends.
class BugReporterData {
virtual ~BugReporterData();
virtual DiagnosticsEngine& getDiagnostic() = 0;
virtual ArrayRef<PathDiagnosticConsumer*> getPathDiagnosticConsumers() = 0;
virtual ASTContext &getASTContext() = 0;
virtual SourceManager &getSourceManager() = 0;
virtual AnalyzerOptions &getAnalyzerOptions() = 0;
/// BugReporter is a utility class for generating PathDiagnostics for analysis.
/// It collects the BugReports and BugTypes and knows how to generate
/// and flush the corresponding diagnostics.
/// The base class is used for generating path-insensitive
class BugReporter {
enum Kind { BaseBRKind, GRBugReporterKind };
using BugTypesTy = llvm::ImmutableSet<BugType *>;
BugTypesTy::Factory F;
BugTypesTy BugTypes;
const Kind kind;
BugReporterData& D;
/// Generate and flush the diagnostics for the given bug report.
void FlushReport(BugReportEquivClass& EQ);
/// Generate the diagnostics for the given bug report.
generateDiagnosticForConsumerMap(BugReport *exampleReport,
ArrayRef<PathDiagnosticConsumer *> consumers,
ArrayRef<BugReport *> bugReports);
/// The set of bug reports tracked by the BugReporter.
llvm::FoldingSet<BugReportEquivClass> EQClasses;
/// A vector of BugReports for tracking the allocated pointers and cleanup.
std::vector<BugReportEquivClass *> EQClassesVector;
BugReporter(BugReporterData& d, Kind k)
: BugTypes(F.getEmptySet()), kind(k), D(d) {}
BugReporter(BugReporterData& d)
: BugTypes(F.getEmptySet()), kind(BaseBRKind), D(d) {}
virtual ~BugReporter();
/// Generate and flush diagnostics for all bug reports.
void FlushReports();
Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
DiagnosticsEngine& getDiagnostic() {
return D.getDiagnostic();
ArrayRef<PathDiagnosticConsumer*> getPathDiagnosticConsumers() {
return D.getPathDiagnosticConsumers();
/// Iterator over the set of BugTypes tracked by the BugReporter.
using iterator = BugTypesTy::iterator;
iterator begin() { return BugTypes.begin(); }
iterator end() { return BugTypes.end(); }
/// Iterator over the set of BugReports tracked by the BugReporter.
using EQClasses_iterator = llvm::FoldingSet<BugReportEquivClass>::iterator;
EQClasses_iterator EQClasses_begin() { return EQClasses.begin(); }
EQClasses_iterator EQClasses_end() { return EQClasses.end(); }
ASTContext &getContext() { return D.getASTContext(); }
SourceManager &getSourceManager() { return D.getSourceManager(); }
AnalyzerOptions &getAnalyzerOptions() { return D.getAnalyzerOptions(); }
virtual std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticForConsumerMapTy>
generatePathDiagnostics(ArrayRef<PathDiagnosticConsumer *> consumers,
ArrayRef<BugReport *> &bugReports) {
return {};
void Register(const BugType *BT);
/// Add the given report to the set of reports tracked by BugReporter.
/// The reports are usually generated by the checkers. Further, they are
/// folded based on the profile value, which is done to coalesce similar
/// reports.
void emitReport(std::unique_ptr<BugReport> R);
void EmitBasicReport(const Decl *DeclWithIssue, const CheckerBase *Checker,
StringRef BugName, StringRef BugCategory,
StringRef BugStr, PathDiagnosticLocation Loc,
ArrayRef<SourceRange> Ranges = None);
void EmitBasicReport(const Decl *DeclWithIssue, CheckName CheckName,
StringRef BugName, StringRef BugCategory,
StringRef BugStr, PathDiagnosticLocation Loc,
ArrayRef<SourceRange> Ranges = None);
llvm::StringMap<BugType *> StrBugTypes;
/// Returns a BugType that is associated with the given name and
/// category.
BugType *getBugTypeForName(CheckName CheckName, StringRef name,
StringRef category);
/// GRBugReporter is used for generating path-sensitive reports.
class GRBugReporter : public BugReporter {
ExprEngine& Eng;
GRBugReporter(BugReporterData& d, ExprEngine& eng)
: BugReporter(d, GRBugReporterKind), Eng(eng) {}
~GRBugReporter() override;
/// getGraph - Get the exploded graph created by the analysis engine
/// for the analyzed method or function.
ExplodedGraph &getGraph();
/// getStateManager - Return the state manager used by the analysis
/// engine.
ProgramStateManager &getStateManager();
/// \p bugReports A set of bug reports within a *single* equivalence class
/// \return A mapping from consumers to the corresponding diagnostics.
/// Iterates through the bug reports within a single equivalence class,
/// stops at a first non-invalidated report.
generatePathDiagnostics(ArrayRef<PathDiagnosticConsumer *> consumers,
ArrayRef<BugReport *> &bugReports) override;
/// classof - Used by isa<>, cast<>, and dyn_cast<>.
static bool classof(const BugReporter* R) {
return R->getKind() == GRBugReporterKind;
class NodeMapClosure : public BugReport::NodeResolver {
InterExplodedGraphMap &M;
NodeMapClosure(InterExplodedGraphMap &m) : M(m) {}
const ExplodedNode *getOriginalNode(const ExplodedNode *N) override {
return M.lookup(N);
class BugReporterContext {
GRBugReporter &BR;
NodeMapClosure NMC;
virtual void anchor();
BugReporterContext(GRBugReporter &br, InterExplodedGraphMap &Backmap)
: BR(br), NMC(Backmap) {}
virtual ~BugReporterContext() = default;
GRBugReporter& getBugReporter() { return BR; }
ExplodedGraph &getGraph() { return BR.getGraph(); }
ProgramStateManager& getStateManager() {
return BR.getStateManager();
SValBuilder &getSValBuilder() {
return getStateManager().getSValBuilder();
ASTContext &getASTContext() {
return BR.getContext();
SourceManager& getSourceManager() {
return BR.getSourceManager();
AnalyzerOptions &getAnalyzerOptions() {
return BR.getAnalyzerOptions();
NodeMapClosure& getNodeResolver() { return NMC; }
/// The tag upon which the TagVisitor reacts. Add these in order to display
/// additional PathDiagnosticEventPieces along the path.
class NoteTag : public ProgramPointTag {
using Callback =
std::function<std::string(BugReporterContext &, BugReport &)>;
static int Kind;
const Callback Cb;
const bool IsPrunable;
NoteTag(Callback &&Cb, bool IsPrunable)
: ProgramPointTag(&Kind), Cb(std::move(Cb)), IsPrunable(IsPrunable) {}
static bool classof(const ProgramPointTag *T) {
return T->getTagKind() == &Kind;
Optional<std::string> generateMessage(BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &R) const {
std::string Msg = Cb(BRC, R);
if (Msg.empty())
return None;
return std::move(Msg);
StringRef getTagDescription() const override {
// TODO: Remember a few examples of generated messages
// and display them in the ExplodedGraph dump by
// returning them from this function.
return "Note Tag";
bool isPrunable() const { return IsPrunable; }
// Manage memory for NoteTag objects.
class Factory {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NoteTag>> Tags;
const NoteTag *makeNoteTag(Callback &&Cb, bool IsPrunable = false) {
// We cannot use make_unique because we cannot access the private
// constructor from inside it.
std::unique_ptr<NoteTag> T(new NoteTag(std::move(Cb), IsPrunable));
return Tags.back().get();
friend class TagVisitor;
} // namespace ento
} // namespace clang