blob: 4a019bfcfc3f4274bb5e7145a743fa57614dc5ad [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- AddressRange.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef liblldb_AddressRange_h_
#define liblldb_AddressRange_h_
#include "lldb/Core/Address.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include <stddef.h>
namespace lldb_private {
class SectionList;
class Stream;
class Target;
/// \class AddressRange AddressRange.h "lldb/Core/AddressRange.h"
/// A section + offset based address range class.
class AddressRange {
/// Default constructor.
/// Initialize with a invalid section (NULL), an invalid offset
/// (LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS), and zero byte size.
/// Construct with a section pointer, offset, and byte_size.
/// Initialize the address with the supplied \a section, \a offset and \a
/// byte_size.
/// \param[in] section
/// A section pointer to a valid lldb::Section, or NULL if the
/// address doesn't have a section or will get resolved later.
/// \param[in] offset
/// The offset in bytes into \a section.
/// \param[in] byte_size
/// The size in bytes of the address range.
AddressRange(const lldb::SectionSP &section, lldb::addr_t offset,
lldb::addr_t byte_size);
/// Construct with a virtual address, section list and byte size.
/// Initialize and resolve the address with the supplied virtual address \a
/// file_addr, and byte size \a byte_size.
/// \param[in] file_addr
/// A virtual address.
/// \param[in] byte_size
/// The size in bytes of the address range.
/// \param[in] section_list
/// A list of sections, one of which may contain the \a vaddr.
AddressRange(lldb::addr_t file_addr, lldb::addr_t byte_size,
const SectionList *section_list = nullptr);
/// Construct with a Address object address and byte size.
/// Initialize by copying the section offset address in \a so_addr, and
/// setting the byte size to \a byte_size.
/// \param[in] so_addr
/// A section offset address object.
/// \param[in] byte_size
/// The size in bytes of the address range.
AddressRange(const Address &so_addr, lldb::addr_t byte_size);
/// Destructor.
/// The destructor is virtual in case this class is subclassed.
/// Clear the object's state.
/// Sets the section to an invalid value (NULL), an invalid offset
/// (LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) and a zero byte size.
void Clear();
/// Check if a section offset address is contained in this range.
/// \param[in] so_addr
/// A section offset address object reference.
/// \return
/// Returns \b true if \a so_addr is contained in this range,
/// \b false otherwise.
// bool
// Contains (const Address &so_addr) const;
/// Check if a section offset address is contained in this range.
/// \param[in] so_addr_ptr
/// A section offset address object pointer.
/// \return
/// Returns \b true if \a so_addr is contained in this range,
/// \b false otherwise.
// bool
// Contains (const Address *so_addr_ptr) const;
/// Check if a section offset \a so_addr when represented as a file address
/// is contained within this object's file address range.
/// \param[in] so_addr
/// A section offset address object reference.
/// \return
/// Returns \b true if both \a this and \a so_addr have
/// resolvable file address values and \a so_addr is contained
/// in the address range, \b false otherwise.
bool ContainsFileAddress(const Address &so_addr) const;
/// Check if the resolved file address \a file_addr is contained within this
/// object's file address range.
/// \param[in] so_addr
/// A section offset address object reference.
/// \return
/// Returns \b true if both \a this has a resolvable file
/// address value and \a so_addr is contained in the address
/// range, \b false otherwise.
bool ContainsFileAddress(lldb::addr_t file_addr) const;
/// Check if a section offset \a so_addr when represented as a load address
/// is contained within this object's load address range.
/// \param[in] so_addr
/// A section offset address object reference.
/// \return
/// Returns \b true if both \a this and \a so_addr have
/// resolvable load address values and \a so_addr is contained
/// in the address range, \b false otherwise.
bool ContainsLoadAddress(const Address &so_addr, Target *target) const;
/// Check if the resolved load address \a load_addr is contained within this
/// object's load address range.
/// \param[in] so_addr
/// A section offset address object reference.
/// \return
/// Returns \b true if both \a this has a resolvable load
/// address value and \a so_addr is contained in the address
/// range, \b false otherwise.
bool ContainsLoadAddress(lldb::addr_t load_addr, Target *target) const;
/// Extends this range with \b rhs_range if it overlaps this range on the
/// right side. The range overlaps on the right side if the base address
/// of \b rhs_range lies within this range or if it's contiguous on its
/// right side.
/// @param[in] rhs_range
/// The range to extend at the right side.
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if this range was extended, \b false otherwise.
bool Extend(const AddressRange &rhs_range);
/// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
/// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the supplied stream
/// \a s. There are many ways to display a section offset based address
/// range, and \a style lets the user choose how the base address gets
/// displayed.
/// \param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object description.
/// \param[in] style
/// The display style for the address.
/// \return
/// Returns \b true if the address was able to be displayed.
/// File and load addresses may be unresolved and it may not be
/// possible to display a valid value, \b false will be returned
/// in such cases.
/// \see Address::DumpStyle
Dump(Stream *s, Target *target, Address::DumpStyle style,
Address::DumpStyle fallback_style = Address::DumpStyleInvalid) const;
/// Dump a debug description of this object to a Stream.
/// Dump a debug description of the contents of this object to the supplied
/// stream \a s.
/// The debug description contains verbose internal state such and pointer
/// values, reference counts, etc.
/// \param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object description.
void DumpDebug(Stream *s) const;
/// Get accessor for the base address of the range.
/// \return
/// A reference to the base address object.
Address &GetBaseAddress() { return m_base_addr; }
/// Get const accessor for the base address of the range.
/// \return
/// A const reference to the base address object.
const Address &GetBaseAddress() const { return m_base_addr; }
/// Get accessor for the byte size of this range.
/// \return
/// The size in bytes of this address range.
lldb::addr_t GetByteSize() const { return m_byte_size; }
/// Get the memory cost of this object.
/// \return
/// The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
size_t MemorySize() const {
// Noting special for the memory size of a single AddressRange object, it
// is just the size of itself.
return sizeof(AddressRange);
/// Set accessor for the byte size of this range.
/// \param[in] byte_size
/// The new size in bytes of this address range.
void SetByteSize(lldb::addr_t byte_size) { m_byte_size = byte_size; }
// Member variables
Address m_base_addr; ///< The section offset base address of this range.
lldb::addr_t m_byte_size; ///< The size in bytes of this address range.
// bool operator== (const AddressRange& lhs, const AddressRange& rhs);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_AddressRange_h_