blob: 5a7df5c353e8838d0d18699758cb6894a2ce495d [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DWARFAddressRange.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
struct DWARFAddressRange {
uint64_t LowPC;
uint64_t HighPC;
uint64_t SectionIndex;
DWARFAddressRange() = default;
/// Used for unit testing.
DWARFAddressRange(uint64_t LowPC, uint64_t HighPC, uint64_t SectionIndex = 0)
: LowPC(LowPC), HighPC(HighPC), SectionIndex(SectionIndex) {}
/// Returns true if LowPC is smaller or equal to HighPC. This accounts for
/// dead-stripped ranges.
bool valid() const { return LowPC <= HighPC; }
/// Returns true if [LowPC, HighPC) intersects with [RHS.LowPC, RHS.HighPC).
bool intersects(const DWARFAddressRange &RHS) const {
assert(valid() && RHS.valid());
// Empty ranges can't intersect.
if (LowPC == HighPC || RHS.LowPC == RHS.HighPC)
return false;
return LowPC < RHS.HighPC && RHS.LowPC < HighPC;
/// Returns true if [LowPC, HighPC) fully contains [RHS.LowPC, RHS.HighPC).
bool contains(const DWARFAddressRange &RHS) const {
assert(valid() && RHS.valid());
return LowPC <= RHS.LowPC && RHS.HighPC <= HighPC;
void dump(raw_ostream &OS, uint32_t AddressSize,
DIDumpOptions DumpOpts = {}) const;
static inline bool operator<(const DWARFAddressRange &LHS,
const DWARFAddressRange &RHS) {
return std::tie(LHS.LowPC, LHS.HighPC) < std::tie(RHS.LowPC, RHS.HighPC);
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const DWARFAddressRange &R);
/// DWARFAddressRangesVector - represents a set of absolute address ranges.
using DWARFAddressRangesVector = std::vector<DWARFAddressRange>;
} // end namespace llvm