blob: f1ca71a1cb061d3a7ad6886ee583e41cc4a7ec61 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "offsets.h"
.section .init.entry, "ax"
.global entry
b 0f
.word 0
.quad 4096 /* text_offset */
.quad file_size /* image_size */
.quad 0 /* flags */
.quad 0 /* res2 */
.quad 0 /* res3 */
.quad 0 /* res4 */
.word 0x644d5241 /* magic */
.word 0
* Calculate the difference between the actual load address and the
* preferred one. We'll use this to relocate.
0: adrp x25, entry
add x25, x25, :lo12:entry
ldr w29, =_orig_base
sub x25, x25, x29
/* Find where the relocations begin and end. */
adrp x29, rela_begin
add x29, x29, :lo12:rela_begin
adrp x30, rela_end
add x30, x30, :lo12:rela_end
/* Iterate over all relocations. */
1: cmp x29, x30
b.eq 2f
ldp x26, x27, [x29], #16
ldr x28, [x29], #8
cmp w27, #1027 /* R_AARCH64_RELATIVE */
# 1b .
add x28, x28, x25
str x28, [x26, x25]
b 1b
/* Zero out the bss section. */
2: adrp x29, bss_begin
add x29, x29, :lo12:bss_begin
adrp x30, bss_end
add x30, x30, :lo12:bss_end
3: cmp x29, x30
b.hs 4f
stp xzr, xzr, [x29], #16
b 3b
4: /* Save the FDT to a global variable. */
adrp x30, fdt_addr
add x30, x30, :lo12:fdt_addr
str x0, [x30]
/* Get pointer to first cpu. */
adrp x0, cpus
add x0, x0, :lo12:cpus
.globl cpu_entry
/* Disable interrupts. */
msr DAIFSet, #0xf
/* Save pointer to CPU struct for later reference. */
msr tpidr_el2, x0
/* Use SPx (instead of SP0). */
msr spsel, #1
/* Prepare the stack. */
ldr x30, [x0, #CPU_STACK_BOTTOM]
mov sp, x30
/* Configure exception handlers. */
adrp x30, vector_table_el2
add x30, x30, :lo12:vector_table_el2
msr vbar_el2, x30
/* Call into C code. */
bl cpu_main
/* Run the vcpu returned by cpu_main. */
b vcpu_restore_all_and_run
/* Loop forever waiting for interrupts. */
5: wfi
b 5b
/* TODO: Move this elsewhere. */
.globl smc
SMC #0