blob: 2c1047df443ee1316cb62052946de990b1d7755f [file] [log] [blame]
#include "offsets.h"
.section .text.cpu_entry, "ax"
.globl cpu_entry
/* Disable interrupts. */
msr DAIFSet, #0xf
/* Use SPx (instead of SP0). */
msr spsel, #1
/* Prepare the stack. */
ldr x30, [x0, #CPU_STACK_BOTTOM]
mov sp, x30
/* Configure exception handlers. */
adrp x30, vector_table_el2
add x30, x30, :lo12:vector_table_el2
msr vbar_el2, x30
/* Call into C code, x0 holds the cpu pointer. */
bl cpu_main
/* Run the vcpu returned by cpu_main. */
bl vcpu_restore_all_and_run
/* Loop forever waiting for interrupts. */
0: wfi
b 0b