blob: fd4bff3580765477ea5461f60063812d927be631 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Hafnium Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "hf/load.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "hf/api.h"
#include "hf/boot_params.h"
#include "hf/check.h"
#include "hf/dlog.h"
#include "hf/layout.h"
#include "hf/memiter.h"
#include "hf/mm.h"
#include "hf/plat/console.h"
#include "hf/static_assert.h"
#include "hf/std.h"
#include "hf/vm.h"
#include "vmapi/hf/call.h"
* Copies data to an unmapped location by mapping it for write, copying the
* data, then unmapping it.
* The data is written so that it is available to all cores with the cache
* disabled. When switching to the partitions, the caching is initially disabled
* so the data must be available without the cache.
static bool copy_to_unmapped(struct mm_stage1_locked stage1_locked, paddr_t to,
struct memiter *from_it, struct mpool *ppool)
const void *from = memiter_base(from_it);
size_t size = memiter_size(from_it);
paddr_t to_end = pa_add(to, size);
void *ptr;
ptr = mm_identity_map(stage1_locked, to, to_end, MM_MODE_W, ppool);
if (!ptr) {
return false;
memcpy_s(ptr, size, from, size);
arch_mm_flush_dcache(ptr, size);
CHECK(mm_unmap(stage1_locked, to, to_end, ppool));
return true;
* Looks for a file in the given cpio archive. The filename is not
* null-terminated, so we use a memory iterator to represent it. The file, if
* found, is returned in the "it" argument.
static bool find_file(const struct memiter *cpio,
const struct memiter *filename, struct memiter *it)
const char *fname;
const void *fcontents;
size_t fsize;
struct memiter iter = *cpio;
while (cpio_next(&iter, &fname, &fcontents, &fsize)) {
if (memiter_iseq(filename, fname)) {
memiter_init(it, fcontents, fsize);
return true;
return false;
static bool load_kernel(struct mm_stage1_locked stage1_locked, paddr_t begin,
paddr_t end, const struct manifest_vm *manifest_vm,
const struct memiter *cpio, struct mpool *ppool)
struct memiter kernel_filename;
struct memiter kernel;
memiter_init(&kernel_filename, manifest_vm->kernel_filename,
if (memiter_size(&kernel_filename) == 0) {
/* This signals the kernel has been preloaded. */
return true;
if (!find_file(cpio, &kernel_filename, &kernel)) {
dlog("Could not find kernel file \"%s\".\n",
return false;
if (pa_difference(begin, end) < memiter_size(&kernel)) {
dlog("Kernel is larger than available memory.\n");
return false;
if (!copy_to_unmapped(stage1_locked, begin, &kernel, ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to copy kernel.\n");
return false;
return true;
* Loads the primary VM.
static bool load_primary(struct mm_stage1_locked stage1_locked,
const struct manifest *manifest,
const struct memiter *cpio, uintreg_t kernel_arg,
struct mpool *ppool)
paddr_t primary_begin = layout_primary_begin();
const struct manifest_vm *manifest_vm =
&manifest->vm[HF_PRIMARY_VM_ID - HF_VM_ID_OFFSET];
* TODO: This bound is currently meaningless but will be addressed when
* the manifest specifies the load address.
paddr_t primary_end = pa_add(primary_begin, 0x8000000);
if (!load_kernel(stage1_locked, primary_begin, primary_end, manifest_vm,
cpio, ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to load primary kernel.");
return false;
struct vm *vm;
struct vcpu_locked vcpu_locked;
if (!vm_init(MAX_CPUS, ppool, &vm)) {
dlog("Unable to initialise primary vm\n");
return false;
if (vm->id != HF_PRIMARY_VM_ID) {
dlog("Primary vm was not given correct id\n");
return false;
/* Map the 1TB of memory. */
/* TODO: We should do a whitelist rather than a blacklist. */
if (!mm_vm_identity_map(
&vm->ptable, pa_init(0),
pa_init(UINT64_C(1024) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024),
MM_MODE_R | MM_MODE_W | MM_MODE_X, NULL, ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to initialise memory for primary vm\n");
return false;
if (!mm_vm_unmap_hypervisor(&vm->ptable, ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to unmap hypervisor from primary vm\n");
return false;
vcpu_locked = vcpu_lock(vm_get_vcpu(vm, 0));
vcpu_on(vcpu_locked, ipa_from_pa(primary_begin), kernel_arg);
return true;
* Loads a secondary VM.
static bool load_secondary(struct mm_stage1_locked stage1_locked,
paddr_t mem_begin, paddr_t mem_end,
const struct manifest_vm *manifest_vm,
const struct memiter *cpio, struct mpool *ppool)
struct vm *vm;
struct vcpu *vcpu;
ipaddr_t secondary_entry;
if (!load_kernel(stage1_locked, mem_begin, mem_end, manifest_vm, cpio,
ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to load kernel.\n");
return false;
if (!vm_init(manifest_vm->secondary.vcpu_count, ppool, &vm)) {
dlog("Unable to initialise VM.\n");
return false;
/* Grant the VM access to the memory. */
if (!mm_vm_identity_map(&vm->ptable, mem_begin, mem_end,
&secondary_entry, ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to initialise memory.\n");
return false;
dlog("Loaded with %u vcpus, entry at %#x.\n",
manifest_vm->secondary.vcpu_count, pa_addr(mem_begin));
vcpu = vm_get_vcpu(vm, 0);
vcpu_secondary_reset_and_start(vcpu, secondary_entry,
pa_difference(mem_begin, mem_end));
return true;
* Try to find a memory range of the given size within the given ranges, and
* remove it from them. Return true on success, or false if no large enough
* contiguous range is found.
static bool carve_out_mem_range(struct mem_range *mem_ranges,
size_t mem_ranges_count, uint64_t size_to_find,
paddr_t *found_begin, paddr_t *found_end)
size_t i;
* TODO(b/116191358): Consider being cleverer about how we pack VMs
* together, with a non-greedy algorithm.
for (i = 0; i < mem_ranges_count; ++i) {
if (size_to_find <=
pa_difference(mem_ranges[i].begin, mem_ranges[i].end)) {
* This range is big enough, take some of it from the
* end and reduce its size accordingly.
*found_end = mem_ranges[i].end;
*found_begin = pa_init(pa_addr(mem_ranges[i].end) -
mem_ranges[i].end = *found_begin;
return true;
return false;
* Given arrays of memory ranges before and after memory was removed for
* secondary VMs, add the difference to the reserved ranges of the given update.
* Return true on success, or false if there would be more than MAX_MEM_RANGES
* reserved ranges after adding the new ones.
* `before` and `after` must be arrays of exactly `mem_ranges_count` elements.
static bool update_reserved_ranges(struct boot_params_update *update,
const struct mem_range *before,
const struct mem_range *after,
size_t mem_ranges_count)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < mem_ranges_count; ++i) {
if (pa_addr(after[i].begin) > pa_addr(before[i].begin)) {
if (update->reserved_ranges_count >= MAX_MEM_RANGES) {
dlog("Too many reserved ranges after loading "
"secondary VMs.\n");
return false;
.begin = before[i].begin;
.end = after[i].begin;
if (pa_addr(after[i].end) < pa_addr(before[i].end)) {
if (update->reserved_ranges_count >= MAX_MEM_RANGES) {
dlog("Too many reserved ranges after loading "
"secondary VMs.\n");
return false;
.begin = after[i].end;
.end = before[i].end;
return true;
* Loads alls VMs from the manifest.
bool load_vms(struct mm_stage1_locked stage1_locked,
const struct manifest *manifest, const struct memiter *cpio,
const struct boot_params *params,
struct boot_params_update *update, struct mpool *ppool)
struct vm *primary;
struct mem_range mem_ranges_available[MAX_MEM_RANGES];
size_t i;
if (!load_primary(stage1_locked, manifest, cpio, params->kernel_arg,
ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to load primary VM.\n");
return false;
sizeof(mem_ranges_available) == sizeof(params->mem_ranges),
"mem_range arrays must be the same size for memcpy.");
static_assert(sizeof(mem_ranges_available) < 500,
"This will use too much stack, either make "
"MAX_MEM_RANGES smaller or change this.");
memcpy_s(mem_ranges_available, sizeof(mem_ranges_available),
params->mem_ranges, sizeof(params->mem_ranges));
primary = vm_find(HF_PRIMARY_VM_ID);
/* Round the last addresses down to the page size. */
for (i = 0; i < params->mem_ranges_count; ++i) {
mem_ranges_available[i].end = pa_init(align_down(
pa_addr(mem_ranges_available[i].end), PAGE_SIZE));
for (i = 0; i < manifest->vm_count; ++i) {
const struct manifest_vm *manifest_vm = &manifest->vm[i];
spci_vm_id_t vm_id = HF_VM_ID_OFFSET + i;
uint64_t mem_size;
paddr_t secondary_mem_begin;
paddr_t secondary_mem_end;
if (vm_id == HF_PRIMARY_VM_ID) {
dlog("Loading VM%d: %s.\n", (int)vm_id,
mem_size = align_up(manifest_vm->secondary.mem_size, PAGE_SIZE);
if (!carve_out_mem_range(mem_ranges_available,
params->mem_ranges_count, mem_size,
&secondary_mem_end)) {
dlog("Not enough memory (%u bytes).\n", mem_size);
if (!load_secondary(stage1_locked, secondary_mem_begin,
secondary_mem_end, manifest_vm, cpio,
ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to load VM.\n");
/* Deny the primary VM access to this memory. */
if (!mm_vm_unmap(&primary->ptable, secondary_mem_begin,
secondary_mem_end, ppool)) {
dlog("Unable to unmap secondary VM from primary VM.\n");
return false;
* Add newly reserved areas to update params by looking at the
* difference between the available ranges from the original params and
* the updated mem_ranges_available. We assume that the number and order
* of available ranges is the same, i.e. we don't remove any ranges
* above only make them smaller.
return update_reserved_ranges(update, params->mem_ranges,