blob: 1e74335f62e3efeac3cb3654a64f4c600874955e [file] [log] [blame]
# Note: this assumes that the images have all been built and the current working
# directory is the root of the repo.
# Fail on any error.
set -e
# Fail on any part of a pipeline failing.
set -o pipefail
# Treat unset variables as an error
set -u
# Display commands being run.
set -x
TIMEOUT="timeout --foreground"
HFTEST="$TIMEOUT 30s ./test/vm/ --out $OUT/clang_aarch64 --initrd"
# Run the host unit tests
mkdir -p $OUT/clang_mock_arch/test_log/unit_tests
$TIMEOUT 30s $OUT/clang_mock_arch/unit_tests \
--gtest_output="xml:$OUT/clang_mock_arch/test_log/unit_tests/sponge_log.xml" \
| tee $OUT/clang_mock_arch/test_log/unit_tests/sponge_log.log
# Run the tests with a timeout so they can't loop forever.
$HFTEST primary_only_test
$HFTEST primary_with_secondary_test