Update README to point to TF project.
Bug: 169073154
Change-Id: I0acec1decf79af3296ce1a8f702483b8c83a4c95
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5ee74bf..3a9d6f7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,27 +2,13 @@
Hafnium is a hypervisor, initially supporting aarch64 (64-bit Armv8 CPUs).
-Get in touch and keep up-to-date at
+Development is no longer hosted here, as it has been donated to the
+[Trusted Firmware](https://www.trustedfirmware.org/) project hosted by Linaro.
+Please see the new
+[git repository](https://review.trustedfirmware.org/plugins/gitiles/hafnium/hafnium),
+[project page](https://www.trustedfirmware.org/projects/hafnium/) and
+[bug dashboard](https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/project/21/item/view/67/)
-## Getting started
-To jump in and build Hafnium, follow the
-[getting started](docs/GettingStarted.md) instructions.
-If you want to contribute to the project, see details of
-[how we accept contributions](CONTRIBUTING.md).
-## Documentation
-More documentation is available on:
-* [Hafnium architecture](docs/Architecture.md)
-* [Code structure](docs/CodeStructure.md)
-* [Hafnium test infrastructure](docs/Testing.md)
-* [Running Hafnium under the Arm Fixed Virtual Platform](docs/FVP.md)
-* [How to build a RAM disk containing VMs for Hafnium to run](docs/HafniumRamDisk.md)
-* [Building Hafnium hermetically with Docker](docs/HermeticBuild.md)
-* [The interface Hafnium provides to VMs](docs/VmInterface.md)
-* [Scheduler VM expectations](docs/SchedulerExpectations.md)
-* [Hafnium coding style](docs/StyleGuide.md)
+This repository is kept for historical reference, but no new changes will be
+accepted here.